Binariks Training Center

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Let’s grow together!

We are happy to announce that Binariks launches Training Center. Our aim is to help young specialists to start their career in IT by creating opportunity to learn from our best experts. We believe that this input will be helpful in creating a strong IT society and building great careers.

What You’ll get

About the courses

Our courses

Angular course

Angular course


About the course

Angular is one of the most popular front-end frameworks. Created by Google it is a great tool for writing advanced, modern, high-performance, scalable web applications.

Course Program

TypeScript Basics, RxJs, Angular CLI, Directives, Components, Services, Pipes, Bindings, Reactive and Template-driven forms, HTTPClient, Routing, NgRx, Unit and End-to-end testing

.NET course

.NET course


About the course

.NET is becoming more and more needed for every kind of software developing. Our course is dedicated to giving you knowledge of the most popular spheres where our company has huge experience. Our mentors will help you gain the needed skills and become good developer

Course Program

Gain practical knowledge in designing and implementing modern back-end web API using C# and NET.Core Diving into NET internals and best practices Achieve knowledge in database design and create a persistence layer for web apps using EFCore. Introduce Security and control access to ASP.NET Core resources and users. Ensure code quality by introducing and leverage code testing approaches.

Java course

Java course


About the course

Java is one of the most popular/common programming languages in use, with a reported 9 million developers. Knowing Java opens a lot of possibilities for you as a developer.

Course Program

Java concurrency, Cloud Technologies, Programming Patterns, REST, Spring Framework, Testing, JPA, SQL

React course

React course


About the course

According to the latest DOU developer survey, React.js is the most popular library for Front-End Web Development. React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. React has a community of millions of developers. With React you can build flexible and fast web applications.

Course Program

React Fundamentals, Component architecture, React hooks, React patterns, React performance, Testing React Apps, Redux, Redux Thunk, Redux Toolkit.


Steps to your dream


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